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Beer Die Game Rules

August 18, 2023

How to play Beer Die


Beer Die is a drinking game that is played with two teams consisting of two players on each team. The game involves taking turns throwing a die in the air, 8-10 feet high, aiming to land it on the opponent's side of the table which presents the opportunity to score points (explained below). To win the game, one team needs to get to 11 points before the other team and win by a margin of 2 or more points. The rules of beer die can vary slightly depending on local rules, but below are the rules that Table Topperz plays by.

Equipment needed:

4’ by 8’ plywood table that is on top of a base that has a height of more than 3 ½ feet tall.

2 dice

4 solo cups

Drink of choice

Getting the game set up and started:

Have everyone fill their cups with their drinks and place cups on the 4 corners of the table where the circles are. Determine the team that tosses first by having one person roll a die while the other team calls high or low. High includes dice rolls of 4, 5, or 6; low includes 1, 2, or 3. The team that guesses correctly gets the first toss.

Winning the Game:

Games are played to 11 points and must be won by a margin of 2 points and cannot be won on a “FIFA” (explained below). If one team reaches 11 points and the other team is losing by a margin of more than 2 points the losing team has the opportunity for “redemption”. Each member of the losing team will get a chance to score a point. If they are successful then the leading team's score goes down 1 point and the game continues. In “redemption” if the losing team is successful their score does not increase, and instead, they give the dice back to the leading team. After any “redemption” opportunity the leading team has the opportunity to “ice” the game to end it.

Icing the game- is defined as both players on the leading team scoring two consecutive points when their score is at 10 or more points. 

Scoring and Defending points:

1. To score a point, the die must be thrown above the agreed-upon height and bounce off any part of the opponent's side of the table. If the die isn't caught after bouncing, a point is scored.

2. Only one person from a team tosses the die at a time. After a die is thrown and either caught or dropped, the next die is tossed.

3. The die can bounce in any direction after hitting the defending team's side, including back toward the throwing team's side. As long as it connects with the defending half of the table and falls to the ground, a point is scored.

4. To prevent a point, a defensive player must catch the die with one hand before it touches the ground. Catching with both hands awards a point to the offensive team.

5. A die thrown too low can be called by one defensive player as a "height" violation.

If the die lands short (on the throwing team's side) or on the dividing line, it goes to the opposing team. A dispute leads to a re-toss.

6. If the die is trapped against a body or object, it's a point for the throwing team.

7. “Tink” occurs when the die hits the defending team's cup and falls off the table, earning 2 points. No points for hitting the offensive side's cup.

8. "Sinks" award 3 points and require the defending team to refill their cup. The sink includes a direct shot into the cup or a bounce-in.

9. FIFA: allows the defense to kick an airball die up to be caught by the adjacent defensive player. The team that catches the die has the option of either giving themselves a point or subtracting a point from the other team.

10. Field Goals: If the die thrown initially lands on the defensive side and then bounces back going in between the offensive team's cups and landing on the ground, the offensive team is awarded 2 points.

Other Rules (optional):

1. The BIZ rule: The word “five” cannot be said during the game. Instead, the word BIZ must be used. Breaking this rule results in the offender finishing their drink and getting a new one. 

2. Hot Die rule: If the die thrown remains on the table after bouncing hot die is active. The player that tossed that die must roll the die on the table. If the die lands on the same number as what was originally displayed from the toss or if the die rolls off the table, then that player must finish their drink. 

3. Refilling drinks: Drinks are typically refilled after every 4 points are scored.

4. Switching sides: Once one team reaches 6 points, the two teams switch sides and finish their drinks. 

August 18, 2023
How to play Beer Pong
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